Frederick Drummond
the Story
Raising up real people who are on the cutting edge of what God is doing in that generation, is special. It is a work of the Holy Spirit that can only be accomplished in the heart of someone who is devoted to chasing down their destiny in Christ by standing on the Word of God regardless of the cost. Frederick A. Drummond is such a man. His devotion to finding real, workable answers has made him the person he is today. It was a costly route to follow, but it got the job done. If you want to know why those who meet him never forget the experience, it is because God has done something wonderful in him that comes out of his mouth wherever he goes. The anointing on him is undeniable. Thank God for real people who have paid the price to get real answers.
His education didn't begin in a formal classroom setting; it began on the field. As a lost teenager, raised in an affluent home on the beach in South Africa, he had no knowledge of nor need for the Word of God. However, the first time he heard the Gospel of the Kingdom preached from the pulpit of a Baptist church (thanks to a good friend who finally convinced him to go with him one Sunday evening) it struck him to the core. He was born again in that service and from that night onwards its truths have been the burning light of God directing him and guiding his life's choices. From then until now his desire to know the fullness of God's Word, to love it and share it, to live it and teach others to live by it without admixture is the earmark of his life. Having received the love of the truth, God called him into full-time ministry to preach the truth of His Word, no matter what the personal cost. At the very outset of his call he developed the loving spirit that would become the standard of his ministry.
If you are looking for a perfect man with a perfect track record, then you are wasting your time looking to him. He would be the first to tell you that he is a sinner saved by grace, and remind you that there is a vast difference between chasing after sin and resisting God, and chasing after God and resisting sin. If there is one word to describe his life, and by the way that’s a hard call to make, it would be “grace.” This above all else was the thing that drew him to leaving the career that he was raised to pursue (wealth management) and go into the full-time ministry. When he found out that God was big enough to take the time needed to help you sort out your issues and get to the other side of them, this became his life message. He concluded that it was more important to help people get over themselves and make something wonderful out of their lives, than it was to personally chase after money. Because of it, he is welcomed by every kind of person, on the left and on the right, the good and the bad. They love him because he tells the truth from his heart and judges no man. Furthermore, he is loyal to a fault, and people are instantly drawn to him in friendship and know that they have found someone who loves God, and with God’s permission loves them also.