I Can ~ Philippians 4:10-20
Frederick Drummond, Sr.
As a Christian our motto should be, "I can." The "I can" takes God into consideration so that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And because of that spirit "I can" have a great attitude at all times. "I can" handle it and "I can" do the miraculous. Paul was in distress and because he knew "I can" kept a great attitude.
The following are quotes from the message:
"God is waiting for your to change your attitude before He changes your situation."
"Your reputation in heaven is good; count on its response."
"Expect the miraculous from the unlikely."
"God doesn't need you to be strong, but you need God to be strong."
"God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere."
"An open door is God's oportunity to do the impossible."
"Walking on water is only as hard as the One Who asks you to do it."
"There is nothing wrong with weakness and inability as long as you are relying on God."
Have you noticed that God never asks man's permission to do the impossible. You don't need man's approval to do the impossible; you need God's approval."
"You are only restricted by your imagination."
"The call of God doesn't ask you to perform for God; it promises God's performance on your behalf."
"Abraham considered not his own body; so why look at your limitations."
"Enough is when God says so, otherwise there is plenty to spare."
"As far as God is concerned, your destiny is a settled issue...because God has never thought of doing something He didn't make adequate provision for."
"Don't look at the lack, look at the load Bearer."
"To not believe is to deny God altogether."
"Believing empowers; doubting weakens; questioning destablizes."
"The day you believe you can, you will become a new person."
"God doesn't need your abilities, He needs your cooperation."
"You are only as limited as God's permission."
"Self-confidence is more powerful than abilities."
"The promises are keys that open locked doors."
"God didn't ask you if you can, He promises you He can."
"Waiting is your most powerful ally on the road to success because timing is everything."
"Let God define you destiny and let your life grow into it. Don't let your life define your destiny, because then you will think God is asking to much of you."
"Let your true burden in your heart and not your abilities define your destiny. What has God put in your heart?"
"Let the inspiration in your soul raise you up to answer the call on your life."
"Don't advertise the cheap shots only the special moments."
"God can only use the available. Are you available?"
"God can only anoint the working class."
"Time is on the side of the saved."
"You can't take the credit for what God has done, but you sure can say you got in on the action by faith."
"Are you willing to step out of the picture so that only Jesus can be seen, or must you have the glory role?"
"God wants to be strong on your behalf, not with you. Rely on God, stop trying to share with God."