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by Frederick Drummond
Enjoy these archived recorded messages by Dr. Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Single |
A Brand New Life (35:40) |
Single |
Rest in Christ's Grace |
Single |
Grace, for the Best and Worst of Times |
Single |
Who You Are |
Series |
Free of Charge, Part I |
Series |
Free of Charge, Part II |
Single |
Love is the Answer |
Series |
We are an Inspired People, Part 2 |
A New Song in Your Heart, Part IV |
The Chosen |
A Sweet Spirit vs. A Bitter Spirit |
The Lifestyle of a Winner |
Single |
I Can |
Series |
Break-Through Principles
of Success |
Single |
(Christmas Eve message) |
(Christmas Eve message)
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Highlights from "King"
- Track 2, Scripture from Matthew
- Track 3, King, Jews, Star & Worship
- Track 4, 1) King
- Track 5, But I Did It My Way
- Track 6, An Everlasting Throne
- Track 7, 2) Star
- Track 8, Touched By the Light
- Track 9, 3) Jews
- Track 10, Real Jews
- Track 11, The Alpha Omega Vision
- Track 12, 4) Worship
- Track 13, The True Worshippers
- Track 14, O Come Let Us Adore Him
A Triumphant Kingdom |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Highlights from "A Triumphant Kingdom"
- Track 2, Scripture: Matthew 11:7-9
- Track 3, A Triumphant Kingdom
- Track 4, The Kingdom Suffers Violence
- Track 5, Forceful People
- Track 6, Are You Reacting To Violence?
- Track 7, 2 Corinthians 10
- Track 8, A Spiritual Battle
- Track 9, Fight In God
- Track 10, Patience' Perfect Work
- Track 11, Called To Triumph Over Violence
- Track 12, Sheep Among Wolves
- Track 13, I am Counting On God
- Track 14, Triumph Through God
- Track 15, Don't Give the Devil Space
- Track 16, The Past Is Past
- Track 17, Invitation To Decision
- Track 18, Prayer, Deliverance, and Healing
- Track 19, Forgiveness & Cleansing
Go, With All Your Might |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights from "Go With All Your Might"
- Track 2, Introduction & Scripture
- Track 3, Go With All Your Might
- Track 4, Deception, Fear & Confusion
- Track 5, You Are Destined By God To Win
- Track 6, With All Your Might
- Track 7, Sure Mercies of David
- Track 8, Trouble Comes With the Calling
- Track 9, We Have A Guarantee
- Track 10, Kick the Devil Out
- Track 11, On the Offensive
- Track 12, Commentary on 1st John
- Track 13, God's Mandate
- Track 14, Challenge
- Track 15, Exhortation & Prayer
Four Simple Truths |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights from "Four Simple Truths"
- Track 2, Introduction
- Track 3, I Have the Power Over My Own Life
- Track 4, Exercising Your Spiritual Senses
- Track 5, Sensitivity & Discernment
- Track 6, Can You Hear the Holy Ghost
- Track 7, Overcome
- Track 8, To Each His Own Burden
- Track 9, The Holy Spirit's Job
- Track 10, Hebrews' Commentators
- Track 11, My First Dury Is To God
- Track 12, God Is Glorified
- Track 13, Conclusion & Prayer
Run With Patience |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights from "Run With Patience"
- Track 2, Scripture and Opening Prayer
- Track 3, We Have No Continuing City
- Track 4, There Is Nothing Permanent Here
- Track 5, Things Are Always Changing
- Track 6, A Taste Today...A Feast Tomorrow
- Track 7, Are You Running Your Race?
- Track 8, Patient Continuance
- Track 9, Quitting Spells Doom
- Track 10, Hebrews Six Commentators
- Track 11, Humilating Christ Twice
- Track 12, Faith & Patience to Run the Race
- Track 13, Conclusion & Invitation
Paul, A Man for the TImes |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights from "Paul, A Man for the Times"
- Track 2, Scripture and Opening Prayer
- Track 3, Paul, A Man for the Times
- Track 4, He Was A Man of Self-sacrifice
- Track 5, Getting the Gospel Out Costs
- Track 6, Paul Was Exalted Above Measure
- Track 7, I Have Delivered You
- Track 8, We Are Using Our Own Credit
- Track 9, Information or Revelation
- Track 10, Paul Was Abandoned
- Track 11, You've Got What It Takes
- Track 12, Conslusion: Forgetting What's Behind
Three Kinds of Faith Every Successful Christian Lives By |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights from "Three Kinds of Faith..." (1.7MB)
- Track 2, Prophetic Preparation (4.4MB)
- Track 3, Introduction to "Three Kinds of Faith..." (4.1MB)
- Track 4, How to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit (4.5MB)
- Track 5, It's all about recognizing the (1.5MB)
- Track 6, Three kind of faith every successful Christian lives by (5.3MB)
- Track 7, 1) There is a grace to stand in (3.4MB)
- Track 8, Standing in grace involves trusting God (5.2MB)
- Track 9, Remember God's investment in your life (6.2MB)
- Track 10, 2) There is an anointing to walk in (5.4MB)
- Track 11, Abide in what you have heard from the beginning (3.9MB)
- Track 12, 3) There is a salvation to work out (5.2MB)
- Track 13, Work out your salvation in fear and trembling (4.8MB)
- Track 14, Be obedient to what God has put inside of you (4.8MB)
- Track 15, The good fight of faith (4.8MB)
The Dynamics of Success |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights, introduction and Scripture reading (3.9MB)
- Track 2, We need to know something about success (4.6MB)
- Track 3, Success doesn't come overnight (4.7MB)
- Track 4, Desire is the birthplace of passion (6.2MB)
- Track 5, The opportunity to birth desire from within (4.5MB)
- Track 6, Failures always have a good reason (7.5MB)
- Track 7, Seven phrases and seven key word (6.4MB)
- Track 8, The dynamics of success (6.2MB)
- Track 9, The dynamics of success summarized (4.3MB)
- Track 10, Conclusion and closing prayer (4.1MB)
Eight Key Words to Remember during Times of Trial |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
- Track 1, Highlights from "...Keys During Times of Trial" (1.5MB)
- Track 2, A Prophetic Reminder (3.7MB)
- Track 3, The Scripture reading from 1 Peter 4 (3.9MB)
- Track 4, It takes humility to suffer with Christ (5.0MB)
- Track 5, The principle of suffering (4.7MB)
- Track 6, Allow God to let His glory come out in suffering (4.7MB)
- Track 7, The part of pride in suffering (4.3MB)
- Track 8, Great people are born in times of adversity (3.5MB)
- Track 9, There is a due time (1.6MB)
- Track 10, Let's talk about suffering (1.4MB)
- Track 11, Don't suffer as an evildoer or a busybody (4.4MB)
- Track 12, Don't suffer for playing God in peoples lives (3.2MB)
- Track 13, Our calling is to suffer and rejoice together (5.0MB)
The Manifestation of the Stronghold of an Insecure Soul, Part 1 |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
The Five Graces of Faithfulness, part 1 |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
The Extraordinary Christian |
Be Followers of God |
Dr. Frederick Drummond |
Read the story of FAD, Sr |
- Frederick Drummond Sr.'s background, and how God has brought him to where he is today |
- The vision of F.A.D., Sr. |
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Copyright © 2017 by
Dr. Frederick A. Drummond.
All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the author. |