Frederick Drummond

Burning enthusiasm of the young Frederick Drummond


Frederick A. Drummond's enthusiasm for the truth of God's Word as the answer for living an abundant and victorious life, inspired and motivated him to pursue an extensive education, that, coupled with a lifetime of experiences, produced an ability to walk in rich revelation that has brought thousands of people all over the world to discover their destiny in Christ.

Before he was twenty-one he was a lay minister preaching in several churches in South Africa and the neighboring Kingdom of Swaziland. Burning with the desire to know what the Bible had to say on every subject dealing with life and living, he said, "Yes" to God when He said to him, "Go to America and be educated in the Bible." In 1968 he moved to Dallas, Texas under miraculous provision from God, directly from the mission field in Swaziland having spent his summer teaching in Swazi school and preaching in their outlying churches. While in Dallas God began to burden him with the great importance of the local church for God's people. He soon realized that this burden would not be satisfied in Dallas, so he moved to California and then Missouri to pursue his education.




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