"Are Your Living an Inspired Life?"
by Frederick Drummond
This is a great question to ask yourself, because there is nothing like living one. Inspired people are satisfied people.
Life is beautiful. From the moment you are born, the great journey of discovery begins, and how you respond to it has the power to either make you into a positive, excited, motivated person, or someone who has allowed the stuff of life to get to them and become negative and weak and perhaps even embittered. This isn’t something God wants to happen to anyone. He has better plans for you than this. Surely you don’t think God made us so weak and vulnerable that we can’t take our stand for the God-life and rise above our circumstances even when they are trying to hound us down and get us to conclude otherwise. I believe in a bigger God than this. In Christ we are more than qualified to take our licks. I am convinced that in making us in His image, He made us strong and well able to embrace the good report and stay faith-filled, without having to give in to negativity, unbelief or bitterness.
The Scriptures speak of Him as the God of hope (Romans 15:13), whose goal for each one of us is to fill us with such joy and peace in our believing in Him and His wonderful promises that we abound in hope through life. The voice of optimism is everywhere in the Holy Scriptures.
I would like to challenge you to turn from your pessimistic ways and start living an inspired life.
To begin with, it might be prudent to remind ourselves of what an inspired life is not: always expecting to feel good; requiring life and work to be motivating all the time; pursuing your fleshly appetites without regard; fulfilling your negative fantasies, dreams, etc.; or expecting to never face heartbreak. All of these have a shelf life—sooner or later they expire. And when they let you down, they do so badly. Nor do they represent true, life-changing inspiration, and so we need to learn to have less regard for them.
Having said this, I’d like to leave them behind and zero in on what it really means to live an inspired life. Embrace the dream that God has put in you and allow it to fill your life. Dreamers won’t let anything or anyone dissuade them. They are people on a mission. This is true inspiration.
Inspired people have a reason within that defines them and everything they do. It puts a smile on their faces at the most inconvenient of times, keeps them excited, gets them going, sets their goals, guides their prayers, energizes their faith, and sets them apart as a special breed.
Inspired people don’t know how to quit. They are too caught up in the prophetic. Whether it be Hannah believing God for a Samuel, Jochebed hiding her baby Moses in the bulrushes and praying for him, David singing to God on the mountainside in preparation for Goliath, Noah building a boat, Paul putting aside the rigid requirements of the law for his newfound faith and going off to Arabia for three years to reinvent himself, or John receiving his incredible vision of Jesus Christ on the Isle of Patmos and sending it to those churches in Asia Minor—it makes no difference. None of them could quit. Like all inspired people they had become one with their dream, and everything else paled into insignificance.
They had found something to die for! By the way, until you do so also, your living will be mundane.
Christian, there is no way that God expects you to survive the vicissitudes of life without giving you a dream to hang onto, something that will make you feel important and inspire you to live your best life. I can’t urge you enough to get one, lay hold of it, and never let it go. Don’t forget, if God truly puts it in your heart, He means it, and sooner or later it will come to pass. All you’ve got to do is water it and fertilize it and dig up the weeds that try to grow up around it and choke it out.
When Paul said, “None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear to myself,” he was using the language of an inspired man.
As I have already said, the greatest enemy of inspiration is disappointment resolved in bitter unbelief and not in the faith of God. What I want you to know today is that it isn’t worth it to run this route. I don’t know of anything that is important enough to dissuade your commitment to God and the dream He has put in your heart. By the way, there are four doors that I suggest you keep shut, because they have the power to derail you: the debilitating sin of unforgiveness; the dreadful mistake of fleshly goals; the horrible problem of living in sin; and the fear of failure.
If you have allowed them to turn you aside, repent and count on the mercy of God to get you back on track. Stand in grace and move on. Put things right. Get your house in order. Seek the face of God. Believe Him for His best, and all will be well. Never forget, it is God’s faithfulness and not yours or mine that will make it come to pass. It was with shouts of “grace, grace” that Zerubbabel’s mountain in Old Testament times was taken out of the way, and this is still true today.
I want to encourage you to revive your dreams and live an inspired life.
Become an overcomer for them (Hebrews 12:1,2). This is the price tag! Inspired people are problem solvers who believe God for answers and refuse to be impressed with the enemy’s unanswerable questions that only serve to fuel doubt.
Hats off to inspired people. They deserve the prize because they didn’t shrink back from paying the price. The only thing better than being around inspiring people is to be one yourself. Nothing can compare to waking up in the morning full of faith and energy because the dream is alive in your heart. I wouldn’t want to live one day without my dreams and visions. Thank God for His faithfulness to put them there and to constantly set things up so that they can come to pass. I am committed to ever pressing forward regardless of the cost, because of my dreams. How about you?