The Bondage of Absalom
The Stronghold of the Bondage of Absalom
Taken from notes by Dr. Frederick Drummond
We draw our analogy for the manifestation of this stronghold from II Samuel 14 & 15, and how it played out in the life of Absalom, the son of King David. The heart or center of this stronghold or the ‘strongman’ is rebel. From the center or heart of the stronghold come six parts or demonic powers attached to it in support of the strongman.
The breakdown of the manifestation as it can
be seen in the life of Absalom.
Examples of the rebel heart of Absalom influencing his decisions can be seen in 2 Samuel 13:28, 34; 14:30.
- Absalom had no instincts of loyalty
- Absalom as a person was beautiful, desirable, persuasive as the person in whom this manifests often is.
- He positioned himself between the people and his father
- Turned their hearts
- Took his throne
- Undermined the king’s counsel
- Warred against him to take his life
- He was a loner – did his own thing
- Had his own agenda, plans - turned them away
- So subtle
- He wanted his father’s position
- Openly opposed David
- Usurped his authority
- Took his throne
- Plotted to kill him
- There was no sincerity in Absalom
- Everyone admired him and trusted him
- He beguiled them – family iniquity
Absalom’s ultimate show of rebellion and defiance was to make a public display of taking what belonged to King David, openly defiling David’s concubines.
How does it play out?
As a loner there is no natural care for the feelings and needs of others, instead the person is content by him/herself. He or she enjoys being alone, on his or her own. This stronghold compounds the situation with beauty and intelligence, further establishing the distance. Those under its influence don’t win others to themselves through personal relationship but by being so admired and beguiling. As a result:
David, although a tremendous sinner, responded diferently in heart to Absalom although Absalom even threatened his life. Instead of getting in his face, David fled because he had no desire to fight his son. David was weary and broken in sorrow when Absalom sent an army to kill him. Absalom had shown no mercy. He took his throne, feeling self-justified in doing so. In the long run, Absalom didn’t have to die; there was more than enough love in David for him to come to repentance and make things right.
Overcome by the heart of a rebel
This stronghold is a demonic web created by a heart of rebellion motivated by a traumatic experience or experiences compounded by unbelief and dismay. As a result they become very comfortable and secure with rebellion. Rebellion becomes their comfort zone, where they feel safe. The only way to deal is to rebel, which makes it (1) hard to see, (2) hard to admit to, (3) hard to break because of the isolation.
Those tormented by the stronghold end up in a lifestyle of unforgiveness and self-justification, making them very selfish. They have difficulty seeing the pain of others because they are too caught up in their own selfish rebellion, trying to erase their own pain. They never can because of (a) unforgiveness and (b) unbelief. Essentially, they can be described as:
- Having a serious trust problem
- Easily threatened
- Insensitive to others
- Without natural affection for others (they don’t really care)
- Fearful, untrusting, cruel
- Having to be right
- With strong opinions
- Very critical
- Isolates others
- Full of sorcery and demonic manifestations
- Treating anyone who does not worship them as an enemy
- Blinding with rebellion those caught up in its web
Rebellion takes over its victim’s mind and counsels how to think, how to dress, what to do, what to like, what not to like and so on. It wants its victim to be as far from the image of Jesus Christ as possible, shaping and molding them into the image of satan. And because it can’t trust God or anyone else, rebellion causes its victims to always fight for their own, never allowing God to fight for them.
The heart of a rebel is motivated by fear,
has no boundaries, but is in bondage.
A heart of surrender, motivated by love,
is constrained by the boundaries of the Word of God,
and totally free.
It was obvious that King David had great love for Absalom. He didn’t want him to die although Absalom had conspired against his life before all of Israel. Absalom obviously held his father accountable for the situation with his sister Tamar, a memory of deep pain.
Release from such bondage can only come after much healing. And in order to correct and heal this kind of lifestyle, the pain that caused the isolation has to be dealt with being so deep rooted. As Christians we have one of two choices when it comes to how we live. We can choose to have a heart of surrender in meekness (restrained power) like Jesus and find our healing in that surrender leading to trust, or we can shoose the heart of rebellion with no boundaries before God like satan, but end up in bondage to pain. |